Rehan Gohar
I got accident when was just 17 years old during traveling with cousins I was directly hit by a car and it damaged my back bone it was the day when I was fully out of sense but still, I was thinking that it‟s a temporary injury. I received
numbers of flowers and gifts in the hospital and my friends spent good time with me It was never thought by me that I will not be able to walk again but after a month I realize that I was becoming dependent day by day and it was worst when an year was passed and I did not feel any betterment in my health. My hope was losing day by day. In front of my eyes a long period of 8 years was passed along with disabilities. It was the painful time period I did recover at all and I lost my confident, my career was becoming finished in front of me and I was helpless
completely. A doctor was suggested to me by my relative and when visited he observed and then asked me to join the organization which will help me to lead the life with this disability (Spinal cord). I was stuck to listen that I can‟t be stand again anymore. This was the night in which I did not sleep at all and asked to my Allah that, why it was happened with me.
Next morning my brother took me out for outing and a wheelchair bound person saw and asks to my father regarding my disability. I was matric pass and I want to do study I shared with him he suggested my brother to take me in „Independent Living center‟ for educational opportunity I requested to my brother to visit there at least once.
Yhh…! This was the turning point of my life when I visited “Independent Living center” and saw number of „Masters on wheels” there. Who were doing a lot on wheels my vision was totally changed and life was feeling again? Yup! I got back to my life by the training of „Independent Living” now, I have done my intermediate and student of “BA” under supervision of team „HANDs Independent living Center’ after the training of an year. I got the volunteer job in Disabled Welfare Association as a motivational trainer.
And after this experience I got paid job in a reputable organization that „HANDS (Health and Nutrition Development Society” as an attendant Coordinator. Now I am the one who is assigning the duties of all the personal attendant and able to guide/train them.
Independent Living Centre changed my life and now I am changing the lives of other. I wish that I could learn more in future. My mission is too aware those young youth who are unaware with their disabilities.
Quote “All External and Internal Part is playing their important role in this most complicated machine which is “Human Body” Never ignore yourself by doing stupid stunt /activities. As, to take care of your own self should be your first priority” (Rehan Gohr)