Independent Living Services

Role Model

Dependent in Past, Independent in Present

PILC (Pakistan Independent Living Centre) aims to provide with the facilitation and essential of the life of the PWD’s (Persons with Disabilities) on the basis of human rights as other individuals enjoy in the society. The Organization is non-biased to the multiple-ethnic society.
A principal component of the PILC is the Counseling and bringing back the PWD individuals into the routine life via dynamic counseling sessions. Here is one of the role model case studies of PILC cases (Mr. Muhammad Zubair, 22 years old) ishared as follows.

Zubair was a very lively in his childhood. At the age of 9 years, while he had been enjoying his childhood by playing cricket, hide and seek etc, unfortunately he was hit by falling of house wall. It was very sad turning in his life, as he was completely confined in his house on bed. Due to suffering mobility challenge, he was unable to move outside the house and was completely dependent on his mother. His mother encouraged him to use walker and join his friends but Zubair was always irritated due to his disability and dependency on others. He lived in this condition of dependency, isolation and irritation for three years.

Once when he was watching TV with his family, luckily a documentary on DWA (Disabled Welfare Organization) and its projects for the survival of PWD’s, was broadcasted. Zubair’s family was inspired by seeing PWD’s participating in daily life as healthy persons with zeal of life. Finally Zubair’s family visited DWA office and got him registered to assist him to counter mobility challenge.

The technical experts of DWA conducted his medical checkup and need assessment. Later on he was referred to PILC (Pakistan Independent Living Centre) which aims to provide with the facilitation and essential of the life of PWD’s by counseling and bringing back the PWD individuals into the routine life via dynamic counseling sessions.

The foremost intervention by PILC provided to Zubair was the immediate counseling of Zubair and advocacy of his parents. He received vivid sessions to manage his disability and organize himself by accommodating his body on wheelchair and all advanced modules of independent living by highly educated and well experienced instructors in the field of disability management.

After assessing the overt improvements, he has been granted a four-wheel-bike for independent mobility. As Zubair was already a lively child and loved sports, he re-started to participate in sports on wheel chairs. Presently he is one of the most active team members of wheelchair cricket, basket ball and racing team.

The note-worthy changes in Zubair’s personality are the exemplary for others suffering mobility challenge and dependency on others. He is leading a normal healthy life by enjoying his liveliness and athletic skills. Currently he is working with the same institution (PILC) in the capacity of Office Assistant and Peer counselor of other PWD’s and repairs the wheelchairs as well. He is also an example for others to be an independent and enjoys all his basic rights as a human.

We are proud to offer Independent Living (IL) services across Pakistan.
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