
Disability Act
The Disabled Welfare Association Organized National Dialogue on Pakistan Disability Act and CRPD under the umbrella of CBID Network where representatives from NGOs, INGOs, Parliamentarians and Persons with disabilities from all over the country participated. The National Coordinator CBID Mr. Shahnawaz Munami and provincial coordinators from provinces graced the occasion.
A press conference was called a day before the event where Minister of Social Welfare Ms. Robina Kaimkhani , Mr. Shahnawaz Munami, Mr. Asim Zafar, Mr. Shafiq Ur Rehman and Mr. Jawaid Rais spoke on the issues of persons with disabilities and highlighted the issues faced by persons with disabilities in their daily lives.
Ms. Rubina Kaimkhani discussing Pakistan Disability Act expressed her consent on behalf of Sindh Government that it will be implemented in the near future and persons with disabilities will be provided with the respectable place with their counterparts, she appreciated CBID Network and it members for their sincere efforts and their commitment for the creation of right based inclusive society for all.