Accolades and Award
Henry Viscardi Award Winner (2022)
Khatija-Tul-Kubra Award (2021) for her flawless contributions as Leader of Women with Disabilties
Contribution as President Women Wing (DWA)
Ms. Shaheena Ali’s dedication is praiseworthy as she has demonstrated her optimum capacity by leading WWDs at DWA. She has played a pivotal role in transforming the lives of more than five thousand women. She has assisted in their mobilization process. She has conducted peer counseling sessions. She listens to the issues of individual female with polio disability and she suggests the most appropriate and easy mobility solutions. She also guides the parents and guardian to improve the quality of life and healthcare services for individual females with disabilities. She conducts IL training sessions for five to six WWDs. She teaches them how to enhance their mobility and how to shift or take part in everyday activities.
She has conducted frequent consultation sessions to resolve female oriented issues and gender based issues. She gave them easy and adoptable mobility solutions for shifting and doing other home chores. She has guided them how to protect or deal with disability related discrimination or stigma. She has motivated them. She has supported more than three-hundred students with physical disabilities in education, vocational training and entrepreneurship programs.
Ms. Shaheena has been a exemplary role model in front of deprived and home-confined group of WWDs. She has been serving as a community mobilizer. She shares her story with these women. She travels to urban slums and participate in data collection survey. She convinces the parents and guardians of home-confined WWDs for their mobilization, socialization and active participation in everyday activities.
Shaheena’s Contributions in PILC network
Ms. Shaheena administers PILC network under the supervision of Mr. Jawaid Rais. She has taken the lead in PILC network. At present, four IL centers have been established under the umbrella of PILC network. Ms. Shaheena has visited urban slums and rural Sindh to motivate women and encourage them to join IL centers for socialization and mobilization.
IL and care for WWDs of PILC network
Ms. Shaheena has provided community based services of IL centers. She arranges personal care attendant service for women with severe disabilities at their own residence. She strongly recommends for hygiene to avoid bed sores. She also handles the provision of assistive devices to WWDs. She also administers the medical supplies for needy and poverty stricken families of persons with severe disabilities.
Issuance of CNICs and Disability certificate
Ms. Shaheena Ali conducts awareness session for WWDs and their families. She convinces them for the issuance of CNICs and disability certificates. By now, more than three thousand WWDs have received their special CNICs and disability Certificates.
Disability Advocacy, Gender mainstreaming and Awareness Program
Ms. Shaheena promotes gender mainstreaming in PILC network. She seeks equal opportunities and facilities for WWDs. She has conducted press conferences. She has conducted meeting with stake holders and government representatives for implementation of Sindh Disability Act, 2018. She has also conducted meetings with organizational heads, managers, HR and CSRs for disability sensitization of the staff and for creation for accessible work environment for WWDs and for persons with physical challenges. Ms. Shaheena also conducts disability sensization session in corporate organizations.
Capacity Building of WWDs
Ms. Shaheena conducts IL training sessions, motivational sessions and consultations with individuals or small groups of WWDs. She has been an expert in shifting techniques. She not only guides personal care attendants for assisting WWDs but she also guides PWDs to enhance and improve their mobility with specific techniques.
Inclusive Education program of PILC network
and supervises IL training for WWDs in all the four affiliated IL centers of PILC network. She She frequently visits these centers and conduct meetings with the WWDs. She understands their problems. She listens to their relevant issues and she suggests solutions to these issues.