Baltistan. They had less participation in social events either based on belief or social tradition even they
were not been included in family decision making. In some of the areas PWDs were teased by the other
people of the community and they were used as an entertainment tools. Besides this, some cultural myths
and social stigma was also caused to isolation and inferiority complex in PWDs. There were various
community based organizations carrying the flag of social welfare works. The idea and concept of the
general community about PWDs was just a disadvantaged group and people having cureless diseases.
They thought that how a person with no abilities can be a productive citizen of the community.
The people had no awareness and information about social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities so
they have no involvement in social, economic, health and educational activities.
In collaboration with the local community based organizations CHIP launched a project in 2008, to
sensitize the community about the rights of PWDs in the region. In this project 31 villages were targeted
and various rehabilitation interventions were conducted at individual, family, community, organizational
and regional level to ensure social inclusion and rehabilitation of PWDs at community level. After 3 years
long struggle of CHIP and the community based organizations, the targeted PWDs gained a valuable
social status, through involving in social events, ensuring access to health and educational services and
engaging in livelihood activities. On the other hand the collaborative initiatives to mould the foulmouthed behavior of the community into adaptation of a right based approach towards persons with
disabilities. These activities proved fruitful in empowerment of PWDs. At last, 09 self help groups were
established by selecting the most empowered and active PWDs and organized them into these groups.
In July 2011 the members of the self-help groups, who were sensitized about their rights decided to form
a disable people organization namely Karakuram Disability Forum Skardu.
Registration Status.
The organization of persons with disabilities, Karakuram Disability Forum is registered under voluntary
social welfare agencies registration and control ordinance 1961 (XLVI of 1961) on 6th October, 2011. The
given registration number is RA-SKD-311/2011.
Organizational Members;
The organization has 45 general body members and 06 executive body members (the cabinet).
Organizational Vision;
As the organization leads and represents persons with disabilities so the vision of the organization is
“An Inclusive Society where every member of the community have access to all services, information and
opportunities irrespectively by their different status and abilities”.
Organizational Mission.
Towards its vision the mission of the organization is,
“Contribute in inclusive development by realizing and fulfilling the self-responsibility with helping out
each other in a disciplined way”.
The organizational values are;
“Unity Faith Justice”
Professional Career:
– I joined Civil Society Human and Institutional Development Program (CHIP) as a Volunteer
Theater Performer in 2012.
– In 2012, I was selected for executive member for the DPO Karakorum Disability Forum Gilgit
Baltistan Skardu and then joined CHIP as a social organizer, which was later on extended with
induction as regular basis. It was the very first and a pilot project of CHIP on community-based
rehabilitation for persons with blindness and low-vision.
– I was elevated to the position of Team-leader- Inclusive Development project, and thereafter in
2013-14 for the DPO and PWDs. I was assigned the portfolio for a motivator for the Disability
assessment and Resource Center (DARC) established by CHIP and the DPO at District
Headquarter Hospital Skardu. This center is running in coordination with the district health
department Skardu. That period made me able to deal independently with socio-economic issues,
coordination among NGOs and Govt. departments, conflicts resolution, community mobilization
and executing income generating development projects.
– In 2014, in Gilgit I got a ToT on Computer Automation in collaboration with AKRSP. Attended
first-aid advanced training with Pakistan Red Crescent Society, and Braille reading and writing
training for a week with CHIP at Skardu. During this period, I showed fairness, honesty and
protected the high level of merit in all matters. So, that it can validate form the DSM PPHI and
the ADTF Coordinator Pakistan in a training on Aging and Disability in Disasters.
– I have coordinated in celebrating international and national events on the rights of persons with
disabilities on both district and provincial level. I have advocated for the rights of persons with
disabilities through radio programmes, seminars and I have attached with local news paper “ the
daily Tarjuman” Gilgit Baltistan as a reporter.
– I have worked with ASER (Annual Status of Education Report) Pakistan for 3 Years (2011 to
2014) as a surveyor. I am leading the Skardu based DPO Karakuram Disability Forum (KDF),
which is a member organization of CBIDN Pakistan as a volunteer executive member.
– I have led the People with disabilities of Gilgit Baltistan not only regional level but ensured their
active participation in national level games i.e. national blind festival Karachi 2016-17,
Abbottabad Special Olympics 2017-18 and Peshawar PPL Wheelchair Cricket 2018-19.
– I have worked with various organizations i.e. AKRSP, Apex Consultancy and other NGOs
– I am a volunteer of Pakistan Red Crescent Society Gilgit Baltistan
– I have been a reporter of the daily Tarjuman Gilgit Baltistan.
11. Organizational Objectives:
1. To raise awareness among the PWDs, their families and general mass about disability and
productivity of PWDs.
2. To strive and raise voice for implementation on the national and international constitutional
rights of PWDs.
3. To contribute in national development through inclusive approach.
4. To ensure access of PWDs regardless of gender, disability and any other biasness- to social,
economic, health and educational services and opportunities.
5. To provide a plate-form for PWDs to enhance their leadership qualities and to enable them to
lead the prejudiced and marginalized groups.
6. To enhance net-working between KDF, NGOs and Govt. organizations and service providers for
inclusive development.
7. To mobilize local resources for sustainable inclusive development.
12. Education background
– Secondary school certificate (Metric): KIU Board, High School Thowar Roundo
(Sub: Civics, Gen. Science and Math) 2008
– Higher Secondary School Certificate (Intermediate): KIU board, Govt. Degree College Skardu
(Sub: Islamic Studies, Health and Physical Education) 2010.
– Graduation: (Bachelor of Arts): KIU board, FG Degree College Skardu.
(Sub. Political Science, Journalism and Urdu) 2012
– Masters (Education) KIU: Karakorum International University Skardu Campus.
(Sub. Education, Communication Skills, Mountain area Dev.) 2014
– 3 Months Basic Computer Course: Al-haq Computers Skardu
(Ms-word, Excel)
13. Work experience
a. In 2012, I was selected for executive member for the DPO Karakorum Disability Forum Gilgit
Baltistan Skardu and then joined CHIP as a social organizer, which was later on extended with
induction as regular basis. It was the very first and a pilot project of CHIP on community-based
rehabilitation for persons with blindness and low-vision. I was elevated to the position of Teamleader- Inclusive Development project, and thereafter in 2013-14 for the DPO and PWDs.
b. I was assigned the portfolio for a motivator for the Disability assessment and Resource Center
(DARC) established by CHIP, later on adopted by KDF, at District Headquarter Hospital Skardu.
This center is running in coordination with the district health department Skardu.
c. I am the pioneer member of Disable-people Network Gilgit Baltistan
d. I am leading an organization which is focused on mainstreaming disable persons in main society, as there is not
any other organization is working in this sector in our region (Gilgit Baltistan) of Pakistan. We are facing multisectorial challenges in the rehabilitation and inclusion of disabled persons. I would like to build myself as a
resource person for this purpose and want to replicate my learning with in our community for the betterment of
the persons with disabilities. I always love to learn something and I believe what I have achieved today is only
became possible due to my keen interest and passionate attitude. Despite of many challenges I have completed
my education, but to start a career in any organization as an employee can only give benefit to myself but it
cannot fulfill my vision.
e. Worked as Field Monitor in Monitoring of Polio Campaigns
f. Worked as volunteer Disaster Response team member in Pakistan red crescent Society
g. Worked as Facilitator on Disability Rights with different NGOs on Consultancy basis
14. Future-plan:
– I want to learn with complete dedication and full concentration
– I want to observe all the possible and doable opportunities govt. and Pvt Sectors have been
providing for persons with disabilities in term of communication and environmental
– I am keen to evolve opportunities of learning and sports for the persons with disabilities through
linkages with facilitators and disabled people organizations for consultation in future to cope
with the challenges.
– I want to submit a detailed resolution to draft a bill on disability rights in both national and
provincial assemblies
15. My life Story
I belong to Rondo Skardu, I was born normal, as parent say, and I had not any impairment. According to
them, in the age of 2 years old, I suffered with vomiting and dysentery which made my immobile and
physically weakened. My parents rush me to Gilgit and Pakistan Institute of Medical Science Islamabad
for treatment where they prescribed some exercise with massage. My parents conduct regular exercise of
my body with local apricot oil. I was the only baby son in my family, so my ailment shocked them and
turned them most sympathetic to me. In particular, my father always courage me to walk, even at many
times he beaten me with a small willow stick. I remember this in blurred memory, that I tried to walk only
due to awful attitude of my father. I know, that was a great support to me which made me enable to walk
independently now, but it was very harsh to bear in my childhood. My father was a servant in Army and
it was tough for him to spare more time with me, or to attend me always for my daily chores. Being an
inhabitant of a mountain region my family had indulged in day to day agricultural and livestock related
activities. It was such an inconvenient for them to bear me with such a dependent disability. My father
attended me at home and hospitals for more than six months and then he went back to join his duty. It was
really a hard time for him to left me at home with helpless and unmoved. After 2 years struggle of me and
all my family members I could be able to move which resulted in a good news as I could walk at the end.
It was the unparallel love of my family to me that they just enrolled me in a nearby main stream school. I
was not a brilliant student at that time, I felt quite uncomfortable when I saw all the other children playing
and running around. My family took a lot of care in both my personal health & hygiene and my studies. I
used to walk with a long willow stick at that time. After 3 years and I was studying in class 4 I could able
to walk by myself with limping. It was the time when I decided to defeat this inability because this positive
change brought courage in me. I passed 8th from that school and I moved to Skardu town for father studies.
I was moved alone from the village and stalled at a relative’s home. After a year, my family also shifted
from my village to Skardu town as per our tradition. Our villagers migrate in large numbers in search of
abundant job and other facilities. I done matriculation from High School Sukamaidan Skardu. I was about
17, when I got admission in degree college of Skardu. I started to participate in all the co & extracurricular
activities i.e. recitation competitions, speech competitions and role plays. I was intended to be a teacher at
that time, and I started to focus on my studies. This desire led me to do master in education at the end,
before that I worked with a local news paper the Daily Tarjuman Gilgit Baltistan as a reporter. It had
become my hobby to participate in various functions, events and training sessions of different NGOs and
Govt. departments. I went across a disability main streaming program of KDF once in Skardu and due my
disability they invited me to join them. I felt great zeal when I hosted the event as anchor person. I saw
many other persons there having more severe sort of disabilities. It became my inspiration, after observing
their passions and commitment; I decided to join the organization as a regular member. I led this
organization many time to coordinate with local administration, NGOs representatives and even the
ministers of our region to get favor for the persons with disabilities. In 2014, June. Elections for executive
body of KDF were held and they proposed me to stand as a candidate for the post of vice president. I
elected unopposed for the post, and till now I am working with KDF. This change of my life converted
into a more successful opportunity when a local NGO CHIP offered me to work with them as an internee.
I accepted that offer and now working as a regular social organizer having responsibility to strengthening
the DPO and creating coordination with all the other persons with disabilities.
I think the travel is not yet completed and my destination is still far away as I consider myself as a
change agent in disability mainstreaming. I want to get all the expertise in this field to enable each
person with disability to be mainstreamed and independent.
16: Hobbies and interests;
– Internet surfing
– Reading newspapers/books