Independent Living Services

Inclusive Accessibility: Information Technology for Independent Living (ITIL)

Inclusive Accessibility: Information Technology for Independent Living (ITIL)

Media and IT sector has brought a revolution all over the world in the sectors of speedy transactions, information, research and countless job opportunities. The Media and IT revolution has blessed PWD community in particular by providing various opportunities in employment sector.

Media and IT related jobs do not require the mobility as it’s frequently required in other

sectors of employment such as marketing, field work, business development, salesman etc, it has provided a remarkable support to PWD’s.

It has been observed in several social surveys, that learning IT courses such as Computer Courses, Graphics and Designing, Different Software’s etc, enabled many PWD’s in Pakistan to be employed by NADRA, Post Offices, Pakistan Navy, Printing Press, Education sectors, N.G.O’s etc.

Pakistan Independent Living Centre (PILC) has designed a strategy to utilize IT and Media experts from PWD

community, by developing the networks of reputable IT organizations and printing press, through contacting and contracting CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) wings, to employ or outsourcing its work to PWD’s trained in IT sector, to support them financially by keeping their dignity and honor.

We also have a special hall designed on the specific needs of PWD’s in PILC, well equipped with computers and printers, where we could be outsourced for IT and Media related assignments.

We are proud to offer Independent Living (IL) services across Pakistan.
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+92 21 32789034-5

+92 303 9277999